I ruoli del System Engineer e del Verification & Validation Manager


Gio 15 Mar 2018

Descrizione evento

Giovedì 15 marzo ci incontreremo per un confronto sull’interpretazione delle figure del System Engineer e del Verification & Validation Manager per valutare come queste posizioni siano declinate in aziende dal profilo eterogeneo e come il ruolo stia evolvendo nel tempo.

L’incontro fa parte di un progetto avviato da una delle aziende socie CRIT, il cui obiettivo è generare occasioni di benchmarking sull’interpretazione alcuni ruoli chiave aziendali (buyer, project supply chain manager, program manager, system engineer, quality management system manager, V&V manager, test & commissioning manager). CRIT coordina l’attività.

Questo tavolo di lavoro è indirizzato a:  System Engineer e Verification & Validation Manager.

Background and objectives

The fundamentals of systems engineering address three key success factors:

  • Holistic view of the System of Interest and of its System of Systems environment
  • Risk driven technical and managerial processes overlapping
  • Human factors integration, including the system developers

The roles, the profile and the challenges of the System Engineering and of the V&V management are driven by these two aspects and tailored in every company. The workshop aims to highlight the different organizational set-up and the experiences of companies which apply the systems engineering approach into different application fields.

Workshop outcomes

The workshop shall deliver:

  • minute restricted to the participants and
  • condensed document intended for dissemination and further info collection by the AISE VVT working group.
