The roles of the System Engineer and the Verification & Validation Manager
Thu 15 Mar 2018
Event description
On March 15 CRIT’s companies will meet for a comparison on the interpretation of the System Engineer and Verification & Validation Manager figures to evaluate how these positions are interpreted in heterogeneous companies and how the role is evolving over time.
The meeting is part of a project initiated by one of the CRIT associated companies, whose goal is to generate benchmarking opportunities on interpretation of some key corporate roles (buyers, project supply chain managers, program managers, system engineers, quality management system managers, V&V manager, test & commissioning manager). CRIT coordinates the activity.
This roundtable is addressed to: System Engineer and Verification & Validation Manager.
Background and objectives
The fundamentals of systems engineering address three key success factors:
- Holistic view of the System of Interest and of its System of Systems environment
- Risk driven technical and managerial processes overlapping
- Human factors integration, including the system developers
The roles, the profile and the challenges of the System Engineering and of the V&V management are driven by these two aspects and tailored in every company. The workshop aims to highlight the different organizational set-up and the experiences of companies which apply the systems engineering approach into different application fields.
Workshop outcomes
The workshop shall deliver:
- minute restricted to the participants and
- condensed document intended for dissemination and further info collection by the AISE VVT working group.