Function Integration Workshop: an Application Center at your fingertips


Fri 23 Oct 2015

Event description

CRIT, LIAM and Festo SpA (CRIT Endorsed Suppliers Network) organize an “in-training” day to learn more about the functionality of Festo’s CPX platform through “learning by doing”.

During the workshop examples of real applications of the CPX platform will be presented, which will be elaborated and deepened. Thanks to the use of thematic display panels, equipped with components that simulate real functionality, it will be possible to test and touch the different possibilities of use, leaving space also to specific needs.

Who it is for: electronic design engineers; software design engineers; PLC programmers; responsible for automation.

Course duration: 1 day.

The course will present in a practical and intuitive way how to optimize the performance of Festo systems with a particular focus on driving and controlling mechatronic systems. Four thematic racks have been set up to highlight the potential of Festo electronics included in the CPX system.

Rack 1 – “Motion”
The “Motion Control” rack is dedicated to the products of electric movement, the main topics will be: motion synchronization, creation of profiles and cams, driver control through the gateway, programming of motion sequences and interface with PLCs of other manufacturers and functions of safety obtained with the driver’s internal card or with a safety PLC.

Rack 2 – “Subnets”
The “sub-network” rack is dedicated to highlighting the architecture of decentralized networks, highlighting how sub-networks with other valve units, use of sensors in I / O Link, collection of digital signals with sensor-carrying slippers, interfacing with other valve units, and system extension modules.

Rack 3 – “Positioning”
The “positioning” rack is dedicated to highlighting in particular: movement management and speed and position acceleration control of pneumatic cylinders, position measurement, ramp management and intermediate positions, similarity between movement programming via electric motors and servo positioning tire (single environment).

Rack 4 – “Analog”
The “analog signals management” rack is dedicated to highlighting how the CPX system guarantees the management of a wide range of analogue signals such as: thermo-couples, positioners for process industry, proportional valves directly in battery, variable pneumatic pressure signals through modules of pressure switches, pressure circuit maintenance with the multiplexer system, flow measurement by analog sensor.


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