01/01/2023 – 31/12/2026 (48 months)
5.999.206.25 €
Horizon Europe
The ONE4ALL project aims to promote the transformation of production plants, especially of SMEs, towards Industry 5.0 (I5.0), strengthening their resilience in case of unforeseen changes. This will be achieved through the development of plug-and-produce reconfigurable cyber-physical manufacturing modules (RCPM), consisting of collaborative, self-configuring mobile robots, to which IIOT devices will be incorporated for real-time monitoring and interconnectivity.
Physical modules and processes will be digitally replicated via data-driven digital twins and controlled by an artificial intelligence system.
An open-source approach will be ensured for the duration of the project to facilitate component interoperability.
An adaptive training programme for digital up-skilling will be identified to prepare the workforce for the transition to Industry 5.0 and exploit the full potential of the developed technologies.
The potential of ONE4ALL will be demonstrated in two relevant cases from different sectors (agribusiness and pharmaceuticals), both strongly influenced by market disruption and social context.
CRIT will collaborate with the project partners in carrying out various activities, and in particular will take the lead in the management and evaluation of the demonstrators, in the dissemination and communication of results, and in the standardisation of the methodology developed.