Traceability and anti-counterfeiting technologies


Wed 12 Dec 2018

Event description

With an estimated turnover of over € 6 billion in 2015, according to the assessment made by the Italian Patent and Trademark Office, the counterfeit market is a reality that has a great impact on the entire Italian economy and on many key sectors of the industry manufacturing. The offer of counterfeit products not only impacts economically on manufacturing companies, but also on the end customer due to the limited quality of replicas sold.

In this context, it has become of great importance for companies to invest in efficient logistics and production solutions that counteract the repeatability of the products and allow them to monitor the entire life cycle of each product. Numerous technological solutions have been developed in different contexts over the years. From RFID to laser markers, barcodes and datamatrix. Within this panorama it is essential for each company to determine which technology, both hardware and software, is the most suitable for its application.

Part of the event will be dedicated to deepening the technology and applications of the blockchain, focusing on the manufacturing and industrial machines/plants sectors.

The topics will be studied in-depth by RFID Lab and Datalogic, which will outline the current and future state of industrial traceability, and by UniMoRe and CINECA, which will explore the issue of blockchain contextualised within industrial supply chains.

At the opening will be presented the results of the Technology Scouting “Technologies for traceability and anti-counterfeiting” by CRIT.

Participation at the event is reserved for those who purchase the scouting activity.

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