The organizational and management aspects that characterize the corporate patent office – Tenth Part
Thu 14 Apr 2016
Event description
The meeting is the continuation of previous roundtables and discussions on the same subject, the last of which took place in May 2015, and was organized, at the request of the participants, in order to allow them and those dealing with patents and intellectual property within member companies to investigate and discuss the organizational and management aspects that characterize the corporate patent office.
The rapid evolution of the market and technologies, as well as the increasingly broader and global competitive scenario, requires companies to structure themselves adequately to protect their intellectual capital. Each, according to their needs, has equipped the company with a structure (more or less developed and articulated) dedicated to the management of the patent portfolio and all the activities connected to it, carrying out activities with internal resources, or relying on external consultants.
The proposed working table will be oriented to the deepening and discussion of the themes that the companies of the work group are defining and sharing through the collaborative CRIT platform.