Methodologies and tools for software development and management – Software verification and validation
Fri 11 Dec 2015
Event description
New moment of confrontation on “Methodologies for software development and management”, scheduled for Friday, December 11th, 09.15am, at CRIT.
From the first meetings on the topic, focused respectively on issues related to software development and management in non-homogeneous environments and on the comparison of the experience gained with the PackML standard, companies showed a strong interest in discussing methods for verifying and validating the software (V&V).
The objective of the meeting is to stimulate a comparison between the experiences gained on work methods, on the tools and processes used for the verification and validation of their software. The working table wants to allow the sharing between the member companies of their methods for:
- Software unit test
- Static analysis and dynamic code analysis
- Verification and validation (V&V) of the software
- Verification of any security requirements
- Generation of KPIs to evaluate the quality of the software
- Checking the software version
The work table is reserved for CRIT member companies.