How to generate new innovation opportunities in the company – The Electrolux case


Thu 08 Nov 2018

Event description

Recognizing and managing true innovation, innovating more and better are strategic and essential objectives to guarantee the future of the company. By now it is no longer enough to be good and prudent in reaching the path to the future, it is necessary to excel in the ability to innovate.

CRIT, in collaboration with The Doers, proposes a workshop that introduces some tools to govern innovation as a strategic, deterministic and scalable process. The workshop will help participants recognize:

the difference between sustaining and disruptive innovation,
how to design a corporate innovation program,
how to prepare the cultural bases in which innovation can flourish better, and more effectively.

The meeting will also see the testimony of Electrolux, a world leader in the production of household appliances for home and professional use, which has created, in collaboration with The Doers, an internal pathway to involve employees in identifying and generating nine business opportunities and innovation.


14.15 Registration of participants

14.30 Introduction to the day – CRIT

14.45 The business models are the new S-shaped curve – Cosimo Panetta, Partner of The Doers

  • Why do successful companies fail?
  • How to read the disruption: the myth of the slow-blind incumbent
  • The Kodak-Fuji case
  • The “S” curve, innovation better and new

15.30 Corporate startup innovation: The Electrolux case – Paolo Schira, Vice President of the Laundry Business Unit of Electrolux Professional

16.15 Coffee break

16.30 Company case – On-site startup within the company – Enrico Cattaneo, Partner of The Doers

17.00 Discussion and discussion among the participants

17.30 End of work

The Doers is a consulting firm that helps companies discover new markets and transform themselves into innovation ecosystems, using a scientific-experimental approach. Since 2012 it has trained more than 1000 people on innovation issues and helped dozens of companies to launch new products and services on the market.

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