Sustainability and Competitiveness Seminar – Contents available ICYMI
The open seminar on “Sustainability and competitiveness” organized by CRIT on November 16th took place in the auditorium of the impressive Museum of Industrial Heritage in Bologna.
During the meeting hosted by Daniele Vacchi from IMA, with the participation of BDO Italy, Impronta Etica, Tetra Pak, Cineca, Sofies and Energy Way, it was discussed the topic of how to integrate sustainability within the corporate strategies in order to use it as competitive advantage. A specific focus was dedicated to innovation and how new technologies such as big data and blockchain can play a role in measuring companies sustainability through economic, environmental and social performance indicators, which could be extended to the whole value chain.
This seminar was organized within the activities of the Interreg Central Europe NUCLEI Project coordinated by CRIT.
Contents are available for download in Italian language
Johanna Ronco (CRIT) – Introduzione alla giornata
Presentation - Video
Daniele Vacchi (IMA) – La sostenibilità come strategia di innovazione e governance per le imprese
Presentation - Video
Marco Caputo (BDO Italia) – La rendicontazione non finanziaria per misurare e comunicare il valore creato
Presentation - Video
Elisa Petrini (Impronta Etica) – Come misurare l’impatto sociale
Presentation- Video
Gianmaurizio Cazzarolli (Tetra Pak) – Misurare le prestazioni ambientali e valutare gli impatti lungo la catena del valore
Presentation - Video
Giacomo Scillia (CINECA) – Blockchain a supporto del microinvestimento per la sostenibilità ambientale
Presentation - Video
Federico Magalini (SOFIES) – Misurare la sostenibilità nel settore dei beni di largo consumo: casi studio su leader di settore
Presentation - Video
Fabio Ferrari (ENERGY WAY) – Aumentare il controllo dei processi tramite l’analisi dei Big Data – Caso studio HERA SpA
Presentation - Video