Corporate “Social Platform” – A comparison on needs and solutions
Thu 26 Sep 2019
Event description
The web and the “social networks” that are now used daily via mobile phone and PC have accustomed us to an online interaction and an increasingly connected, interactive and dynamic access to services. A habit of using technologies and characteristics of cohesion and community collaboration that we also want to bring within the company: starting from the paradigms proposed by “social networks”, combined with concepts such as “corporate portal” and / or ” personalized dashboard “, it is possible to define real “Corporate Social Platforms” to provide services to employees, increase collaboration and cohesion between them, as well as a sense of belonging to the company.
There are more than one way of achieving these results, and of various kinds: from “off-the-shelf” solutions (i.e. “ready to use”) already designed with the idea of being corporate social platforms, to solutions that can be adapted or interpreted as such via extensions (e.g. “plug-in” or “add-on”) typically provided in “market-place” type solutions, up to fully customized solutions (ie, developed ad hoc on the basis of customer requirements).
This work table is an opportunity to allow CRIT associated companies to discuss the functional requirements, paths and solutions adopted or adoptable to effectively implement a Corporate Social Platform. By sharing best practices, approaches, methodologies and tools used, the goal of the meeting is the identification of possible solutions that, within a company, not only encourage collaboration and communication between employees and the company, and among the employees themselves, but also enable the use of various types of services (eg, sharing and participation in events, news, gathering new ideas, virtual “buy / sell” spaces, car-sharing organization systems and brand identity).
The recipients potentially interested in participating in the Working Table are professional profiles from the following areas: Human Resources, Innovation, IT Managers.